Monday, September 3, 2007


I'm down in Carolina now...its been three weeks since I left the Yukon. I miss it very much. I'm finally getting around to typing out my journal and posting all my pictures. Please be patient as I do this.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Whitehorse Update

Sorry for the lack of posting - pictures or words. I haven't been able to find decent bandwidth to upload and pictures. As for words, well, I've been enjoying my time experiencing the Yukon instead of sitting on a computer. So Nick and I made it and in exceptional time - 1400km in 11days. Along the way, we saw 14 bears on the Cassiar Highway (13 black, 1 grizzly), some as close as 5m away...too close, but none were aggressive...just eating berries and watching us pass on by.

The ride was wonderful, not that rainy, decent roads, and since part of the road was washed out and thus closed to traffic, it was like a giant bike path!

Along the way, we met fellow cyclists Jean and Nicolas, brothers from France that are cycling from Vancouver to the Arctic Ocean. Check out their website, its far nicer than mine (but they've spent 5 hours on the computer this last weekend, while I was camping with Yukoner friends of Carla's - eating as much as I could eat, and sleeping as much as I could sleep). We wish them tail winds and no rain on their ride further north!

Our bodies are adjusting to normal life again. We still eat constantly, but I'm not taking advil like candy which my liver appreciates. Our last few days of riding were tough because of long hills, winds, and being just plain long - 137km, 162km, and 115km.

Nick flies back to Portland today. Carla and I are off to Skagway, AK to hike the Chilkoot Trail. Its supposed to rain...but what's new.

Next week I fly back to Michigan then drive down to North Carolina and start school. I'll try to post the rest of my pictures and journal when I get a chance, but I'll need to move in, go to orientation, and buy a computer before that happens...

Cheers from the road!

Friday, August 3, 2007


Original Post:
Yes, I made it. 11 days of intense cycling from Prince Rupert (1400km). I'm still adjusting to "normal" life. I"m going camping (car) for the weekend to recover before hiking the Chilkoot Trail next week. I'll post pictures and more details next week when I have more time.

Journal Entries (in progress) and Pictures (caption to come):
Ferry to Prince Rupert:

Day 1: Yellowhead Highway

I heart logging....

Day 2:

Fishing for bear spray...don't ask how it got down there in the first place...

Kitwanga, Cassiar Highway

Day 3:


on the road bike repair

who wants hot dinners anyway...

How can you log after you plant?

Dinner: cold couscous with instant mushroom soup mix, cheese, and m&ms

Day 4:

Bell II

Day 5:

first washout

like Patagonia, the highways don't have lines

what goes down, must come up...

Nick climbing 10% with 110%

Day 6:

washout 2: this one prevented traffic from using the highway --> the longest 2-lane bike path in the world!

Getting a lift through construction

We had to ride through this construction site.

sub-alpine peatland

Gnat Pass - crossing from the Pacific to the Arctic watershed

Day 7:

Cycling with our French Pals, Nicolas and Jean

Jade City! They are super cyclist friendly!

Day 8:

Mrs. Chief with son and friend - fed us soup, caribou, and coffee to warm us up for riding in the cold storm.

Nick fixes a broken spoke.

Day 9:

A couple of banf's on the Alaskan Highway

Strong headwinds make Nick tired.

Day 10:

Bombing into Teslin Lake

Last camp...on the side of the road like the day before and the day before and the day before....

Day 11:

I'm so happy to be almost there!!!


Nick find zen at Pine Lake.